We promote Community Cohesion through Dialogue and Proximity.

Towards a world where everyone belongs.


Por um mundo com lugar para todos.

A world where everyone belongs is possible

Our Common Humanity

We believe in the power of dialogue and proximity as a way of preventing conflict and ensuring the integration and social cohesion of communities.
We believe in the possibility of living together, in full respect for individual dignity, the common good, diversity, non-violence and solidarity.

What is our impact?

With our values in the core of our hearts, we fulfill our mission to make a future where everyone belongs.

migrants or refugees involved in our Community.
cities in the North of Portugal.
volunteers engaged and working towards the inclusion of migrants and refugees.
proximity meetings between migrants and refugees and local people.
houses being built for migrant, refugee and portuguese families.
volunteering hours at the Reconstruir Project building site.

What people say about us?

Words of those who are part of MEERU.

Being a volunteer at MEERU means welcoming others, bringing people together and building bridges and bonds every day. The Saleh Family has assumed a dimension and importance in my life which is impossible to express in words. It is a privilege to be able to help them grow and overcome the many barriers that the process of adapting and living in our country requires. Lama, Sireen, Abudi and Abdullah fill my heart with love. What this project does is incredible – it is, above all, about people and community, about changing the world a little bit at a time.

Rita Magalhães
Proximity Team of the Saleh Family

MEERU builds a path of proximity between those who welcome and those who are welcoming in a very loving way. And it transmits an invitation to embrace others in a subtle but harmonious way. They are the icing on the cake of the hospitality system practiced in Portugal. The volunteers of MEERU do what has not been done yet and gently retouch the imperfections of the refugee welcoming process.

Helena Pina Vaz
Principle at CLIB

MEERU is like a very big heart that expands and embraces everyone. The volunteers of MEERU are always ready to welcome us with a smile and a tight hug. Being part of MEERU makes me feel happy.

Shahd Munir

Our Projects

Our lines of action, values and goals are materialized in concrete projects.


Bonds of friendship, affection and trust between local people and refugee and migrant families.


Handmade soap made by refugees and migrants in Portugal.


Promoting access to housing to migrant and refugee families living in Portugal.


A careful reading of different humanitarian crises to raise awareness and inform the public sphere.

Get to know all of our projects

Each project is a testimony of Dialogue and Proximity for and with our Community.

Who is with us?